Thursday, April 20, 2006

resolution 212

hahaha hello class it's me JABIE!
i hope everyone is studying hard and doing fine!
ok let me see... is peter pan coming to my window tonight? i don't know. u all laugh, chase him away.
sigh sigh sigh sigh.
anyway, i know with training and everything and my most wonderful amazing lalalala boyfriend in the world
and my coming at normal breakfast time to school,i don't really know what's going on in class but nontheless my care will never change!
you girls and guys if there are, study hard and les play hard too!
ANDRINA: les play is ur favourite isn't it! *teehee*

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Good Friday = NO school.
Bad Friday - No AA2. :(

haha. okay so like check out our geog proj pictures man. those people in front are the judges. i realised that "king of troy" never smiles in photos. heh.

ok so right, if my head is like, blocking more than a little of mark's face and i'm hunching, like YES i am, then, therefore, i must not be THAT short. :D heehee. okay byebye. (:

Saturday, April 15, 2006


CLASS!! 2 things:

1. We are one of the duty classes for Monday's track and field heats!
If you can't make it -for valid reasons! - please get a blue slip/letter from teacher-in-charge (or equivalent documentation) and pass it to me, or see and submit it directly to Mr John Tan.
The rest of us free ones have to be at the netball D after school (4.30pm). Me will be taking attendance!

2. GIRO forms please! Only short of a few more, we're getting more efficient guys! :)


Sighh. Feel quite bad for tainting the class blog with admin. To make up for it, I shall post some nonsense! -

Thought of Jing and the random biscuit tin in the guerilla photo when I saw this:

Edward Monkton is quite funny sometimes.

Ok, Limmy will stop being random now. Back to work!

(She disappears.)

Friday, April 14, 2006

i missed a whole lot of drama! :l


but i'm currently lovestruck and i
REALLY want to find out who that boy in the korean drama is.


it's like my eyes are fly shaped like those
flies masquerading as hearts :)
awwww biscuit teacher and star candy is such a wonderful show.
i'm in eternal bliss.
i wish i could take a shot or show you the picture but i CAN'T.

i was really sick for those three days.
:) heehee but it's alright!

someone bring me back down to earth
where boys do not look like cherubs
and they stink and smell and fart



Thursday, April 13, 2006

you're my good feeling

dear aa2, charissa says thanks for the roller coaster of emotions today (:

SHOCK: seeing jing's face this morning

ANGER: resolution 212 attacks jing. bleah.

MORE ANGER: resolution 212 attacks jing again.

EXPLOSION: outside the NL with marissa, royston and andrina

BIGGER EXPLOSION: the drama in the NL intensifies.

CALMING DOWN: mark, limmy and nat reason things out

LAUGHING: andrina kneels down in her own conclusion that jing has 'thrashed things out'

LAUGHING: because ying yi is a freaking joke outside the NL when the drama is still going on

GUILT: remedial is cancelled and resolution 212 isn't in good shape

MORE GUILT: resolution 212 is calm after it

EVEN MORE GUILT: episode 2 of the drama with ying yi and ms sng. they have finally thrashed things out

WARM FEELING: because we stayed together through it all and supported each other all the way through

WARMER FEELING: jing and ying yi hugged

ADMIRATION: because jing is just a darn awesome and strong human being

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

the greatest fall of all time.

let me explain why i will not be in school for the next few days.
so here i am, at cheerleading practice at toa payoh stadium. the plug in point is right on top of the bleachers, so i lug my laptop up there and work on the music. then when i was done, i transferred it into my thumbdrive and wanted to tansfer it into a laptop that was at the bottom of the bleachers. stupidly, i decided to run in an excited manner. i was flying off the 3rd last step when i completely missed the 2nd last step. one foot landed on the laptop on the 1st step (which happen to be the highest) and the other midair. result : laptop flew and so did i. i landed on my side on the concrete floor of the stadium, face first, leading to severe abrasion on the entire left side on my face. now i look like the bride of frankenstein! ahhhh.

so thats the grand story of the greatest fall of all time.

on a positive note, i was actually falling head first but i managed to break my fall. its angels, i tell you. the pain was real horrid but i made it to the hospital, the xrays and thank God, doc says everything is okay. the devil cant win. muahaha!

<3 jing.

Sunday, April 09, 2006


Okay, honestly? seriously?
i was sorely tempted to fall asleep during Tempest if not for the excitement and anticipation of watching gwen and angie amongst others dance. okay, and also cos of david, darius and that girl who was pretty good. my, my, watching gwen and angie dance, my eyes were solely trained upon them as they took the stage. i recognised several *cough* familiar moves but nonetheless when gwen was centrestage i was positively lusting after her. so damn hotstuff. abiel has a super hot girlfriend and angie has duper nice hair. hahahah! awesome job guys! :P

now for some pictures, which then you will understand why charissa, throughout the night got more than 12 stares with her model long legs and why i thought tiff looked hot. expose101.. hahaha. just kidding tiff! but i love jamie the best. wahahahha. ok enough nonsense. check them out ya'll. (:

thanks for the support on friday guys. i truly madly deeply love jamie,charissa and tiff. i will make sure i reinforce resolution212! i'm so going to die i'm only at week4 for my 1100 words. grrrr.

haha. okay. time for grey's anatomy. woohoo!
seeya tmr!


Saturday, April 01, 2006

ten ways to avoid lending your wheelbarrow to anybody.

Ten Ways To Avoid Lending Your Wheelbarrow To Anybody

1 patriotic
may i borrow your wheelbarrow?
i didn't lay down my life in world war ii
so that you could borrow my wheelbarrow.

2 snobbish
may i borrow your wheelbarrow?
unfortunately lord goodman is using it.

3 overweening
may i borrow your wheelbarrow?
it is too mighty a conveyance to be wielded
by any mortal save myself.

4 pious
may I borrow your wheelbarrow?
my wheelbarrow is reserved for religious ceremonies.

5 melodramatic
may i borrow your wheelbarrow?
i would sooner be broken on its wheel
and buried in its barrow.

6 pathetic
may i borrow your wheelbarrow?
i am dying of schizophrenia
and all you can talk about is wheelbarrows.

7 defensive
may i borrow your wheelbarrow?
do you think i'm made of wheelbarrows?

8 sinister
may i borrow your wheelbarrow?
it is full of blood.

9 lecherous
may i borrow your wheelbarrow?
only if i can f--k your wife in it.

10 philosophical
may i borrow your wheelbarrow?
what is a wheelbarrow?

i stole this from royston's blog! its a poem. too bizarre/cute/hilarious to resist. teehee.

<3 jing!